
Wednesday, 25 September 2013


Beloved, you may be pleased to know that last Sunday was my birthday. As always, I used the occasion to pray and reflect over a number of things pertaining to life and ministry. In the process I remembered one of the poems I had written in 2009 while still on hospital admission in Hamburg.

It is my pleasure to dedicate it to you as my birthday gift for your inspiration. Please pass it on to others.


“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God” (Heb. 12:1-2)

1. Whether born of noble birth
Martha and I
With great accompanying pomp and pageantry
And much expectations for a bright future;
Or of supposed low birth
Without even a register to enter our birth,
Let alone the hope of a ‘lucky monkey’
One thing is certain:
The divine Architect who crafted us in secret
Has marked out for us
A race to run
And tracks within which to run.

 2. His decision was not based
On our abilities and competencies
Nor of merit of any sort;
It is out of GRACE—
That in His sovereign will
He places us in various tracts of various races.

 3. In our finite and corruptible minds
Olympians racing towards the finishing line
We are inclined to think of some of these races and tracts
As more honorable than others,
Those which bring some into the limelight—
Whom the world calls ‘Stars’ and recently, ‘Superstars’—
But for those whose tracks go through seemingly nether lands,
 Through obscure places to unmarked graves,
We consign to the rank of ‘ordinary commoners’
Yet in the sight of God
Who made and marked out these tracks for us all
There is no difference—
No difference between
The names by which we call the various athletic events
Or the athletes who run them,
For each was designed
To accomplish His eternal purposes
And no one accomplishment
Will be complete without the other.


4. Therefore beloved fellow athlete
Involved in this invisible race,
Do not look across your shoulder
To behold with an evil eye
The race your neighbour runs,
But run your own race with joy;
And wheresoever your race has been marked out to pass---
Across the dense Amazon forest,
Or the arid Sahara desert;
Over the towering Himalayan heights,
Or down the lonesome crevices of Chimborazo and Cotopaxi;
Across the Niagara or ‘Devil’s Throat’ which dare the bravest,
Or the still waters of Lake Bosomtwi or the Dead Sea;
Through the fearful Valley of the Shadow of Death
Or the pleasant Valley of Berakah;
Yea, from the throes of Flamingo, the Camp of No Return,
To the fanfare of Hollywood;
Whether it is through persecution to martyrdom
Or through celebration and stardom---
What the Master desires is that
We run with perseverance
The race which is marked out for us,
And to depend on His inexhaustible GRACE
Olympians showing their medals
To start and finish every phase of this race,
Until with the inner witness
Of the Blessed Holy Spirit we declare with Paul,
‘I have fought the good fight
I have held on to the faith,
I have finished the race’                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
Then shall we all receive a hero’s welcome
The Master’s praise:
‘Well done, good and faithful servant,
Enter into your Master’s rest’

5. And there,
A section of church members of COP Bronx Assembly in New York 
When the secrets of men’s hearts are made bare,
And we behold with unveiled eyes
How each person ran their race,

We will marvel at one of the wonders of Heaven,
People, whose names though may not feature in halls of fame,
Are held in high honour by God
Because they ran with diligence and perseverance
The race marked out for them.

A section of the Youth of COP Chicago Assembly

Saturday, 14 September 2013


Apostle S.L Agyin
When  Nigerian novelist, Cyprian Ekwensi, wrote "Such is life, meeting and parting" in his book, "Burning Grass" he was only echoing what the inspired philosopher, King Solomon had said almost three thousand years earlier, There is "... a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing" (Eccl. 3:5b NIV) For the past couple of weeks we have had to say good-bye to some ministry colleagues and family members whom we, as a family but especially myself, really do miss: Apostle Samuel Lord Agyin, Pastor Osahene Amankwatia Boateng,        Overseer Anthony Boachie and Mike Ntumy.
Apostle Agyin and I
Ap Agyin and I

The first to leave was Apostle Samuel Lord Agyin who served as National Head of our church in Holland from 2007 to 2013. Apostle Agyin is a seasoned apostle, dynamic preacher, a veritable prayer warrior and a veteran missionary. Prior to his coming to Holland he had served in a couple of places in Ghana as District Pastor. He was later sent out as a missionary to Malawi in East Africa. The LORD granted him a mighty break-through, thereby consolidating and expanding the church in that country. He was subsequently recalled to Ghana and stationed in Takoradi as Area Head before being sent out to Holland. The church under his apostolic leadership grew by leaps and bounds.

Ap Agyin, 2nd from right and a del. from Holland

Although stationed in Amsterdam, he kept in very close touch with me. He frequently phoned for us to converse and pray. We made plans and strategized together (with other National Heads as well) about the church in Europe. All his busy schedules notwithstanding, he made it a point to visit us from time to time.
We pray for God's blessings on their family as they go to head the church in Koforidua Area in Ghana.
Ps Osahene Boateng                   

The next person whose departure hit us even more severely is Pastor Osahene Amankwatia Boateng (I simply call him Osahene), until recently Hamburg North District Pastor. He has been transferred to Munich as Area Head of German South.

My family members besides, Osahene has been the closest person to me. Over the years, he had volunteered to drive me to my physiotherapy center twice every week and to some errands I had to make in person. All these besides, he was the last person to leave our house every night, mostly after midnight. He came around to help with my personal physical exercises and cycling before helping me into bed.. He was virtually my personal escort, on duty 24/7 to God and to me. May the LORD prosper his ministry in every sense of the word.

Standing: Ps and Mrs Boateng. Seated: Aps and Mrs Ntumy
To replace Osahene as Hamburg North District Pastor is Pastor Ben Mensah who is ready to step in the shoes of Osahene.

Self, in church
Ps Ben and Mrs Juliana Mensah
The last to say good-bye to the family was our youngest son, Mike. The 18-year old has gained admission into university to study Business Management. Being the only son with us Mike had been called upon to do almost everything which required "muscles." He was "Daddy's friend and younger brother." He knew how to do everything that needed to be done for me. He and Joanna would ask Osahene to take a break when they were on school holidays so that they could assist me. After extending any help to me, they would ask, "Anything else?"

Mike displaying trophies of his favorite game
Mike Ntumy

The day Mike left it was as though the house was half-empty. "Well, all the boys have left," mumbled Joanna, our youngest and only daughter. "Yes, they have only gone to study, in preparation for their future roles. Soon, God willing, it will be your turn," we explained.

Some chorus leaders leading in a time of "Praises"
I am very grateful to these gallant colleagues and family members for their great assistance in diverse ways. I am equally grateful to my precious ministry colleagues, friends and the hundreds of thousands of beloved brothers and sisters in the LORD for your solid prayer support and other ways by which you express your love to us as we go through this phase of our life.

Surely, we shall soon celebrate together. B  L  E  S  S  I  N  G  S.