

In February 2009 I underwent a surgical operation on my cervical spine which rendered me paralyzed in both hands and feet and resulted in my use of an electric wheelchair.
Since then my colleague ministers, friends and church members have tenaciously stood with me in prayer. By the grace of God I have recovered the use of my right hand as well as the partial mobility and sensitivity of both legs and my left hand.
Many have telephoned from around the world to find out how I am doing. Others have been able to visit and share quality time with us. The millions of others, however, depend on word of mouth for information about me. An important idea then struck me, THOSE PRAYING WITH ME OUGHT TO KNOW HOW I AM FARING. Blogging was  my solution.
On a very regular basis since August 2011, I have endeavored to update my beloved readers about how God is working out my healing.
 Please SUBSCRIBE TO THIS BLOG to receive an email alert in your Inbox in order to catch up with the latest developments. 
Also you may leave a comment for me and also for the edification of others.