
Thursday, 8 September 2011


 'Praise be to God,to God our Savior, who daily bears our burdens. Our God is a God who saves; from the Sovereign LORD comes escape from death' (Psa. 68: 19, 20 NIV)

Through the great grace of God, my health continues to improve. The mobility and functions of my hands and feet continue to improve. I have also intensified my therapies, both at home and in the praxis. The therapies at home have become more efficient and pleasurable since Pastor Wiseborn Agyare-Acquah of our Harlow District in London, U. K, mobilized a few people to buy me a state-of-the-art Glider Evolve standing machine.    

The standing machine in extended position
The standing machine in a full ninety degree position

With the help of the machine I gently lift myself to the standing position. I then stand on my own in the machine and then do some 'Johnny Walker' walking. It is helping me in a considerably manner; but as we all know our ultimate help comes from the Lord! May the LORD bless Pastor Wiseborn and all those who contributed towards its purchase.

Pastor Wiseborn (left, with microphone), prays to dedicate the machine

We prayed and dedicated the machine to the LORD. Surely it is only with His help that devices have essence.
Pastor Wiseborn Agyare-Acquah (left) and Deacon Nicholas Owusu (right) who came with him from London, in a pose with me.

 With all the physical pains associated with sitting between twelve and fourteen hours everyday (thankfully every part of my body is sensitive), being able to stand and stretch is not only therapeutic but a blessing; a pleasant experience.

Like King David I have learnt the secret of committing one's cause to God and remaining calm as one waits for God's timing. 'But I have stilled and quieted my soul; like a weaned child with its mother, like a weaned child is my soul within me' (Psa. 131: 2 NIV)


  1. "Wo ne W'apaafo ahooden" is one of the favorite songs of Ps. Wise. Surely, the Lord is our strength to do, not just to know. This is very encouraging, Ps. Wise.

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  3. I am so happy to hear this good news. God bless you pastor wiseborn, i know God is going to surprise us one of these days. until then stay blessed and healthy

  4. i thank you Lord Jesus for the enduring spirit of our fathers. i pray that you will give us more understanding and the ability to remain quiet even when we don't understand YOU.

  5. Our God is so faithful! You'll be up very soon dad.

  6. Ps.Wise,God from his enormous riches and glory bless you for the good work well done.Daddy Ntumy,you shall be well soon.We are all praying earnestly,fervently for your recovery.I have said a pray to God that he should grant me the opportunity to see you and receive a double portion of you anointing by the shake of your hands.God richly bless you Apostle Dr.Ntumy.

  7. May He who gives seed to the sower and bread for food bless you and bless you. Pastor wise, you will never lack anything good and may u and ur descendants continue to fluorish in the land of the living.
    Now unto Him who is able to keep u from falling and give u an inheritance that far surpasses that of all the saints, may He bless u and keep u, my dear daddy APS. DR. NTUMY. may ur entire body, soul and spirit be kept blameless until the coming of our lord Jesus Christ. Stay blessed and keep living. halleluyah.
