
Sunday, 1 April 2012


My beloved in Christ Jesus,
A few weeks ago, I received a comment about my latest book, NO EASY ROAD. I was so touched y it that I requested the permission of the author to publish it on my blog for the benefit of my cherished readers. The author, Venerable Nathaniel Nartey, is a high-profile personality in United States of America. Please enjoy reading:

Venerable Nathaniel Nartey, The Author
"Dear Doctor Ntumy,
Sir, I got two copies of your book this afternoon and began reading same time, because it was so impulsive and very juicy for me to finish reading all the 238 pages, after reading its Forward by Chairman Opoku Onyinah.
What a book??

In my Hamburg Office, about four years ago

"This book defines your character, mind and personality more than your inexplicable experience in the wheel chair. You are not only an Hebrew Prophet or Zealot Preacher, but also Chaste Christian Writer with passion for righteousness, one who glorifies in his cross and afflictions than his personal achievements.

"Sir, I realized from the beginning pages of this book " No Easy Road" that, you decreased the Self and increased thy spirit, making Satan the greatest fool and us see the ointment of grace constantly numbing your pain and discouragement, while injecting fresh energy and pleasantness to your spirit man.
Your take on social benefit and disability laws, will help people with disabilities find happiness in their own homes, offices, their personal relationships and as contributing members in their community.

Venerable Nartey near his home

"Your book is a lesser light after the biggest light known as "The Bible", for fellow ministers in hardships, people caught up in the middle, saints drowned in the sea of frustration and those casualties of the storms who think it's over, that all is not yet over and the best is yet to come.

Front and Back covers of my latest book
"Again, I thank my God for the "Spiritual and Civic Civilization" that through your experiential knowledge He is bringing to the minds of His church and the nations to correct the errors in spiritual formation, associated with political incorrectness of our times.

My wife and I in the back garden of our house in Hamburg
That is not all, also in this book, I saw the brevity of your weakness and strength as human, and bravery in feminism at its finest, when Mama Martha did not only use her blessed caring hands, but for her quick spiritual senses and instinctive intervention, you would have asked God to call you home untimely; which would also have been fatal blow to the Church at large. Because of her today, you have amplified weightier issues in this book to make the way, " So Easy Road " 

Mrs Martha Ntumy, A Pillar of Intercessory Prayer and An Icon of Dedication
"What a loaded and laudable Book!!!!!!! Everything you said in the pages I have so far read, are very important and you said them well. I know by tomorrow when I shall end on the last chapter, a lengthened pause of silence will be my best response. Because it may seem foolish for one to say "excellent" to a work which is much better than an excellent academic work.

For now, my writings would go where my feet cannot go

" I can't believe that in your "ability" you touched us greatly and in your disability you could touch us so immeasurably!"  (VENERABLE NATHANIEL NARTEY, 16th March, 2012)



  1. Apostle, You are really a blessing in its own kind to our generation. I have read Your books "The Camp of Flamingo" and "Reflections" but for all of them i borrowed to because i couldn't get my own copy.

    Pls Apostle for this new book, I am willing to pay any amount within my means to get my personal copy sent to me at all cost. Even if i could get some of your earlier books i will be much happy.

    Mama Martha is really that Kind of woman God intend in creating in the Garden for Adam "a help meet". We really celebrate you Apostle and the whole family as you continue to impact in our generation. I fully agree with the Conclusion of Venerable Nathaniel Nartey.

    Emmanuel Obeng Appiah
    Shalom Assembly of Atimatim District in the New Tafo Area.

  2. Apostle he has said it all. I'm reading the book a second time.

  3. Dear Chriss,
    Thanks for your comments. They are very edifying. I struggled a lot to write the book. To know that it is blessing my readers is very rewarding. God bless you. Ntumy
