
Wednesday, 23 May 2012



In 444 BC Nehemiah, a Jewish official in the court of the Persian king Artaxerxes, led in the rebuilding of the wall of Jerusalem. They were opposed by Tobiah and Sanballat, some of the king's representatives in that land. They used such weapons as lies, intimidation, misrepresentation before the king, and ridicule. At one point they even resorted to the sacrilegious tactic of hiring a prophet to prophesy against him. Shemaiah the prophet, purporting to have received a revelation from God, sent to call Nehemiah to join him in hiding in the temple of God because some people were after him to take his life. To this Nehemiah replied,

"Should a man like me run away? Or should one like me go into the temple to save his life? I will not go! I realized that God had not sent him, but that he had prophesied against me because Tobiah and Sanballat had hired him "(Neh. 6:11,12 NIV)

Neither Nehemiah nor his people caved in to the weapons of their enemies. They defied the odds and persisted in their mission. After 52 days, their mission was accomplished.

Various things often come our way which seek to hinder us from pursuing our respective assignments. Apostle Paul sums them up as, trouble, hardship, persecution, famine, nakedness, danger and sword. He continues the list by adding such facts as, life, angels, demons, the present, the future, powers, height, depth, and anything else in all creation (Rom. 8:35, 38-39).

Throughout history many people defied their own kinds of odds to do what they believed to be their divine assignments or duties. Abraham defied an uncertain future to leave all to undertake the journey which finally landed him in Canaan. Moses risked royalty in Egypt to identify with the people of God. Mordecai, Daniel, Shaddrach, Meshach, Abednego all defied related odds in connection with their faith. In what appeared to be foolhardy stances, these people saw death and destruction pass by with the doors of promotion and exaltation opening to them.

Not everybody had the testimony of having their godly defiance being rewarded by extraordinary turn-arounds in their situation. Hebrews 11 tells us of those who refused to give up and suffered all kinds of tortuous deaths. Yet, even in their dying moments, they rejoiced.

What were their secrets? Basically they knew their God. They knew what He required of them. They knew what He had called them to do or to accomplish. Anything that came between their God and themselves or what He had called them to do was the "odd" thing; and it had to be defied.

May children of God, like Nehemiah who referred to himself as "a man like me", know who we are in Christ. Don’t forget how Joseph bluffed to his brothers, “What is this you have done? Don’t you know that a man like me can find things out by divination?” (Gen. 44: 15 NIV) Let us not desire too much the easy lifestyle and assume it is the sign of God's blessings on our lives. Neither should we compromise our positions when faced with any odds in life nor lose heart when such odds surface, assuming we have been abandoned by God.

So then, defy every odd with the sustaining power of the Holy Spirit. As much as is possible, keep doing what God has called you to do. If this is not humanly possible find alternative ways of discharging those things. You remember what Jesus said, “Occupy till I come” (Lk. 19:13)

Remember, "a man/woman like you" should never give up or be cowered into a corner by any situation or circumstance.

Applying these lessons to myself as I await my miracle, I remind myself regularly in the words of Nehemiah that, "A man like me should/should not ..." Through the power of the Holy Spirit, I am determined not to allow paralysis to hold me down. With the little mobility and functionalities that I have, I endeavor to “keep on keeping on.” For things I am not able to do, I endeavor to find other means of doing them.

One of my greatest personal philosophies now is, "Where my feet cannot carry me, my prayers and writings must go"


  1. Apostle, may the good Lord continue to sustain you and give you the endurance to "keep on keeping on." Indeed, you are an inspiration to many of us. I am persuaded that against all odds, I need to persevere till I achieve success. I pray the Good Lord visit your household and grant you total restoration. I also pray that through this medium you will go beyond borders to enrich lives.


    1. You have caught the secret. Let no "odd" hold sway over you. You will be surprised to see how far God will bring you. Blessings

  2. Thanks for this powerful word Papa. ..."Where my feet cannot carry me, my prayers and writings must go". we are standing with u in prayers. we love u, Papa

    1. Thank you very much, Godfred. This means more to me than you can imagine.

  3. A man like me is going to overcome every situation and get where God wants me to be. Thanks Dad!

    1. That is positive confession. Know who you are in Christ and declare it. Our God has not changed His mind about us, neither should we.

  4. That statement says it all: "Where my feet cannot carry me, my prayers and writings must go". Uncle, may God richly bless and keep you as we await that glorious day when you stand on your two feet again. I have faith than it's soon and very soon. Amen!

    1. AMEN and AMEN. The LORD will bring it to pass. Ama, I appreciate your prayers.
