
Saturday, 24 August 2013


Apostle Dr Alfred Koduah

This week-end in Accra, Ghana, one of the most distinguished leaders of The Church of Pentecost (COP), Apostle Dr. Alfred Koduah, who has served as General Secretary (G.S) of COP, steps down after having served for the maximum two-term tenure from 2003-2013. During his first term in office, he served under the Chairmanship of Apostle Dr. Michael Ntumy while his second term was under Apostle Dr. Opoku Onyinah.

During Dr. Koduah's decade-long service as G.S, he suggested a number of ideas which were accepted and introduced into the administrative machinery of the church.

First, as head of administration of the church's Headquarters, Apostle Koduah identified the Headquarters as the ''Ministry behind the Ministry." There was the need to modernize the entire administrative system of the church through computerization and the development of the professional skills of the staff. "When we invest much in you, it is simply because we expect much from you," he would challenge the staff.  

Mrs Rachel Koduah
Secondly, though he worked from the four walls of an office in Accra, Apostle Koduah had his eyes on the field. At the time when the church could not keep its infrastructural and developmental pace with its phenomenal growth and spread, he suggested the establishment of a special fund called Accelerated Infrastructural Development Fund, (A.I.D.F). This fund, which was a certain percentage of every congregation's monthly tithes returns to the Headquarters, would go directly to finance the construction of chapels and mission houses (ministers' manses). The establishment of this fund, augmenting similar funds and development grants to the congregations, hastened the infrastructural development of the church.

Apostle Koduah was a target-oriented administrator. He set goals for almost everything and worked hard to accomplish every task before him. He could not countenance laziness or feet-dragging at any level. His managerial ability produced very high results at the Headquarters and beyond by eliminating waste in the system and developing a very effective workforce.
P.C.C Auditorium
P.C.C view of hostel block

This huge P.C.C project, under the aegis of Apostle Dr Koduah, took two years and four days to complete. The entire facility was funded directly by the headquarters of the church, without recourse to the congregations or bank loan. 
Without any surprise, this Man of God applied these very principles to his own life and ministry. For example, he entered the pastoral ministry at a time when he only had a Certificate in Agricultural Science. Later, having shown himself to be studious, the church sponsored him to undertake a course of study which earned him a Master of Theology degree from The University of Manchester. A few months ago he graduated from South Africa Theological Seminary with a PhD degree in Theology. The way he was able to combine his official duties as G.S of a huge church as COP with academic work and writing of books (he has over a dozen titles to his credit) still amazes even his closest associates. (See below some of his latest books.)

Dr Koduah approached issues with a scientific edge. He would first like to know the root causes of issues and provide answers to them. From this background, he probably set up more ad hoc committees than any other  G.S of the church. Thus, problems were resolved with long-lasting effects.
He was a man of ideas. It was joked about him that anytime he took a shower, fresh ideas about issues would dawn upon him as soon as the
water began to splash upon him.

Despite his over-towering physical frame, he knew how to play his "Number 2" role. He would always defer to the Chairman of the church or to the decision of the meeting.
Leadership is role-playing; those so privileged come to play their God-given roles and stand down when it is done. Although we often defer to history to judge the quality of a leader's work, we also know that history begins in the now. We can at least pass comments.
COP 2008-2013 Executive Council. Seated extreme left (as in other photos beneath is Apostle Dr Koduah

Having been called into the full-time pastoral ministry the same day as Apostle Koduah, shared the same
hostel with him at Bible College, called into top leadership position in the same year and thus meeting, brain-storming on issues of church life together and later serving on the church's Executive Council (he as General Secretary and I, as Chairman), I can say without a modicum of doubt that the man has served his God and church with distinction.

On this occasion of appreciating him and his family, I wish to congratulate my long-time friend, colleague and fellow apostle on his meritorious service to God, his church and humanity.




Apostle Dr Michael Ntumy

Thursday, 15 August 2013


My dearly beloved, I bring you special greetings from the United States of America.

 It is my pleasure to inform you that I have successfully undergone another major surgical operation on my spine in the U.S. By the grace of God, despite its extensive nature, my pre-operation, operation and rehabilitation for physiotherapy and occupational therapy lasted exactly four weeks. I was discharged on Tuesday, August 13, 213.

Elder Dr John Oduro-Boateng
How did a Ghanaian living in Germany go over to the U.S for surgery? That was the question many of the therapists, nurses and doctors asked me. This door of grace was opened to me through my long-time friend, Elder Dr John Oduro-Boateng, CEO and Director of St Luke Hospital, Kasei (Ejura, Ashanti Region of Ghana) and Emmanuel Eye Center, East Legon, Accra. He is also the African Director of Luke Society.

Carilion Clinic, Roanoke
With Dr Weaver after church service
Dr Oduro-Boateng introduced me to his own good friend, the renowned Neuro-Surgeon,  Dr Edgar Weaver Jnr of Carilion Clinic in Virginia. After preliminary evaluations, I was informed that the Board of Directors of the clinic had granted me full sponsorship to cover all medical, rehabilitation and related costs for my treatment in the U.S.

At the hospital Dr Weaver diagnosed problems on my spine which called for surgery. It lasted a little over nine hours. I woke up to find a smiling Dr Weaver at my bedside with the words, "Congratulations. We did everything we said we were going to do."

Martha and Dr Weaver beside my bed
I slipped again into a deep slumber, waking up in my ward to see my dear wife, the ever-faithful, ever-solid Martha, Pastor Jonnie Ansah, COP Pastor of Richmond District and his wife Florence (she really amazed us by coming over the previous day to keep Martha in company and pray with her in the night and throughout the following day when I was being operated. "I can imagine how a wife would feel as her husband is undergoing a delicate surgery; that was why I came to keep Mama Martha in company" she said.), and Elder  Apraku-Mensah, Presiding Elder of Richmond Assembly. It was all joy as the little group poured forth their sacrifices of praise and thanksgiving to the LORD for what He had done for me.

A physiotherapist helping me to sit up for the first time after the surgery
 A few days later, I was transferred to the hospital's rehab center for physiotherapy and occupational therapy. By His grace, my recovery has started in an amazing manner.

With Dr Oduro-Boateng
With Drs J.O.B and Weaver
Through this, the LORD has opened a fresh window of hope for us. In the words of Dr Weaver, "Michael, you can have a reasonable expectation for some recovery. What you need now is serious exercise through your therapies, prayer to God with whom nothing is impossible, and patience to wait, knowing that the recovery of nerves takes time--sometimes very long."
L-R:l Elders Ebenezer Osei, Kaakyire Koduah, Mrs Martha Ntumy and Pastor Jonnie Ansah behind me. Pastor Ansah and his two Elders from Richmond District came to bid us farewell after my discharge. 
--- And that is the reason why I encourage you to continue with me in steadfast prayer. Soon, the window of hope will lead to the door of healing. We shall walk through with songs of praise to the glory of God.

Martha and our youngest children, Joanna and Mike before the statue of President Abraham Lincoln in Washington D.C

Saturday, 10 August 2013


The Chm, Ap. Dr O. Onyinah
At the 40th Session of the General Council Meeting of The Church of Pentecost held  in May 2013 at the ultramodern Pentecost Convention Center in Gomoa Fetteh near Accra, it pleased the LORD and the leadership of the church to appoint me DIRECTOR OF PENTECOST LITERARY WORKS (PLW).

This novel Directorate in COP is responsible for writing and publishing books and other literature for the church.

The institution of PLW by the church is a timely one. For example, the previous generation of COP Ministers, Officers and members often lament how the anointed messages, sermons and illuminating teachings of our founding fathers were not recorded electronically or in print.

A group photo of Ministers of COP  in 1954. Our generation has virtually none of their messages available.  
Electronically? Well that could be excused because the Gold Coast (Ghana) of the 1940s and subsequent years was not like our present technological one. Writing books which could have benefitted our generation? Well, it goes without saying that their generation was not as privileged academically as ours. We have no excuse.

Admin block, Pentecost Univ. Coll.

The creation of  PLW will bless our next generation with the excellent teachings, conference, retreat and seminar materials as well as other spiritual alimentation by which the church has been nourished to this present state. We have no excuse if we do not write; our generation is the most elite ever in COP -- among both the laity and clergy.

I am most grateful to God and to the Executive Council of COP for appointing me the first Director of PLW.   This appointment fulfills two significant things. First, it is a fulfillment of prophecy. During our Welcome Service in Hamburg in October 2008, there was a prophetic message that the assignment the LORD was committing into my hands was not going to be limited to Germany but will overflow to the rest of Europe and beyond. Nobody, not even myself, could fathom what the LORD implied. When this appointment was announced, it suddenly dawned on me: "Yes, this is what the LORD said to us and the congregation through that prophecy. Our books are going to impact the church and others across the world." (There could be more to this, I believe.) Secondly, the appointment is in consonance with my personal philosophy since I got into this new situation, "Where my feet cannot take me, my prayers and my writings should."

Writing with just two fingers from my living room in Hamburg. The Gospel must be preached; our generation must be edified; the next generation must be told.
It is amazing to know that even before this appointment, I had been permitted / requested to reproduce / produce three books for the church. We compiled the notes delivered on the annual themes of the church during the Apostles/Prophets/Heads November Prayer Meeting. The books, entitled, "TELL THE NEXT GENERATION" are now in three volumes. Volume 1 covers the themes from 1999-2003, Volume 2 from 2004-2008 and Volume 3 from 2009-2013.

I love books. I love writing books. I love producing books. But writing is a talent given by God. This could be used to glorify God or Satan. It could be used to bless and build up humanity or surreptitiously destroy it. It is one of the surest means of bequeathing the wisdom, knowledge, and culture of one generation to the other. It is a sacred responsibility.

I am grateful to the LORD for calling me to discharge this        assignment. I need His grace. I need your prayers. I know you will.