
Thursday, 15 August 2013


My dearly beloved, I bring you special greetings from the United States of America.

 It is my pleasure to inform you that I have successfully undergone another major surgical operation on my spine in the U.S. By the grace of God, despite its extensive nature, my pre-operation, operation and rehabilitation for physiotherapy and occupational therapy lasted exactly four weeks. I was discharged on Tuesday, August 13, 213.

Elder Dr John Oduro-Boateng
How did a Ghanaian living in Germany go over to the U.S for surgery? That was the question many of the therapists, nurses and doctors asked me. This door of grace was opened to me through my long-time friend, Elder Dr John Oduro-Boateng, CEO and Director of St Luke Hospital, Kasei (Ejura, Ashanti Region of Ghana) and Emmanuel Eye Center, East Legon, Accra. He is also the African Director of Luke Society.

Carilion Clinic, Roanoke
With Dr Weaver after church service
Dr Oduro-Boateng introduced me to his own good friend, the renowned Neuro-Surgeon,  Dr Edgar Weaver Jnr of Carilion Clinic in Virginia. After preliminary evaluations, I was informed that the Board of Directors of the clinic had granted me full sponsorship to cover all medical, rehabilitation and related costs for my treatment in the U.S.

At the hospital Dr Weaver diagnosed problems on my spine which called for surgery. It lasted a little over nine hours. I woke up to find a smiling Dr Weaver at my bedside with the words, "Congratulations. We did everything we said we were going to do."

Martha and Dr Weaver beside my bed
I slipped again into a deep slumber, waking up in my ward to see my dear wife, the ever-faithful, ever-solid Martha, Pastor Jonnie Ansah, COP Pastor of Richmond District and his wife Florence (she really amazed us by coming over the previous day to keep Martha in company and pray with her in the night and throughout the following day when I was being operated. "I can imagine how a wife would feel as her husband is undergoing a delicate surgery; that was why I came to keep Mama Martha in company" she said.), and Elder  Apraku-Mensah, Presiding Elder of Richmond Assembly. It was all joy as the little group poured forth their sacrifices of praise and thanksgiving to the LORD for what He had done for me.

A physiotherapist helping me to sit up for the first time after the surgery
 A few days later, I was transferred to the hospital's rehab center for physiotherapy and occupational therapy. By His grace, my recovery has started in an amazing manner.

With Dr Oduro-Boateng
With Drs J.O.B and Weaver
Through this, the LORD has opened a fresh window of hope for us. In the words of Dr Weaver, "Michael, you can have a reasonable expectation for some recovery. What you need now is serious exercise through your therapies, prayer to God with whom nothing is impossible, and patience to wait, knowing that the recovery of nerves takes time--sometimes very long."
L-R:l Elders Ebenezer Osei, Kaakyire Koduah, Mrs Martha Ntumy and Pastor Jonnie Ansah behind me. Pastor Ansah and his two Elders from Richmond District came to bid us farewell after my discharge. 
--- And that is the reason why I encourage you to continue with me in steadfast prayer. Soon, the window of hope will lead to the door of healing. We shall walk through with songs of praise to the glory of God.

Martha and our youngest children, Joanna and Mike before the statue of President Abraham Lincoln in Washington D.C


  1. we continue to thank God for your life Michael and believe in Him for the future.

    1. Dear John,
      Thanks for the assurance of your prayer support.

    2. From Burkina Faso we thank God for all He has been doing for you.God's ways are not ours ways; everything He does is perfect and I am very glad that despite all these you still be the Man of God we've known you to be for us. This is another example you've set before us. our problems many a time are far less than this but that is where we criticize God and say things we should not say; The Lord of Pentecost will bring you through. Maman Martha, God bless you; I got to know you in the book 'Venue du feu' of our apostle.. you are a gift from God to Dad, to the Church of Pentecost and to the whole world... God bless you... I am happy because very soon you are going to walk as when you were 24...

    3. How wonderful our God is. He who began the impossibility, and is still in the business of doing, is about to bring it into completion. Yes, the God of the living is still our God today. The triumphant songs of praise has already began by the angelic host and we are about to join the procession.

    4. Dear Pastor,
      Thank God for your prophetic insight. Our God is still in the business of healing and restoration. As His children we are beneficiaries of these. BLESSINGSG

  2. We thank God for bringing you through the operation and for your continuing recovery. The dance in Ghana is getting closer!!

    1. Mama Trish,

      When the prophets and prophetesses speak, you must get ready for action. "The dance in Ghana is getting closer." Yes, I believe it. We shall celebrate together.

  3. WOW! I never knew you were in the States...


    Our Master has surely seen you through.We thank God so much for your life. We're praying for a speedy recovery. Our God is AWESOME!!!

    Thank you so much mama Martha for your LOVE, PRAYERS & TEARS. Really, words cannot express the love you have for God, Family, Church etc... you are truly a SUPERWOMAN! You are an example to be followed by many women. May the good Lord bless you, boost up your faith and Boost up your days on this earthly world.

    Same goes to Dn. Emmanuel, Dn. Samuel, Joseph, Ebenezer, Mike and Joana. You guys are amazing... for the fact that you all stood strong behind dad, to be honest not everyone can survive this... I am a very BIG example! I always cry whenever my mum or dad are sick... But looking at your problems it is 100 TIMES bigger than mum or dad feeling a little sick.

    I would cry every single day. Words cannot express... the boldness all of you exercise. May God bless you all and make you great in future. This has boosted my faith! Ayekoo! (well done in TWI.)

    Rev. Dr, I am leaving you with this prayer:

    3 John 1:2 "beloved, I pray that in all things thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.(ASV)

    Stay Blessed!
    Moses (Moise)

    1. Cher Moise,

      What an impressive comment written by a young man! In fact I was so impressed that I went behind the scene to find out who this Moise is. When I did, I was happy. MERCI ET QUE DIEU TE BENISSE

  4. Dad we thank God for your life and that of the family.indeed a good and precious wife who will find,Mama Martha (my mum's name sake)God richly bless you.For we know that He who has started a good thing shall surely bring it to a successful end.God will surely show Himself strong.

    1. Dear Esther,
      I have conveyed your sentiments to my dear wife. She replied that to her what she continues to do for me is not a big deal---it is a responsibility of love; something she does without even feeling that she is doing something exceptional.

      I can vouch for her that she is sincere.

  5. I bless God for your life Daddy. You are a true inspiration. God will definately finish what He has started in you. My love to you, your amazing wife, Mama Martha and your children.

    1. AMEN. Thanks for your prayers and well-wishes.

      I will convey your regards to the family.

  6. Apostle, Hope all is well. Hope to see you soon to invite you to my wedding. God Bless, Seth Miah

    1. O Seth, my special friend, thanks for your prayers. Our prayers are with you as you prepare for your wedding. Let me know the date and other specifics later.

  7. Indeed we are serving a God of miracles and He is still on His throne. In the same way He set Job up for abundant double blessings in Job 1:8, we believe that He has set you up for greater works and your latter will be greater than your past. Daddy, keep faith alive, the expectation of the righteous shall never be cut off. We are all waiting for your TOTAL recovery. You will surely receive double for all your troubles Amen.

    1. Uncle Albert,

      Your counsel is mature and your blessings are powerful. I receive them heartily. In turn, may HE BLESS YOU ABUNDANTLY

    2. Daddy, thanks for your blessings and the precious time you've taken to respond to almost all the comments. You never seize to be an inspiration. You are a great gift to the Body of Christ. Please send our Love to Mommy and the entire family.."The Most High Rules in The Affairs of Men"

    3. It's always my pleasure to write, in fact I consider it an obligation to update my precious audience about what is going on and the current state of affairs.


  8. God is ever faithful, Apostle. We thank God for your life and how He is renewing our faith through you. You are blessed. Please permit me to sing my favourite hymn for you in appreciation to God.

    Now thank we all our God, with heart and hands and voices,
    Who wondrous things has done, in Whom this world rejoices;
    Who from our mothers’ arms has blessed us on our way
    With countless gifts of love, and still is ours today.

    O may this bounteous God through all our life be near us,
    With ever joyful hearts and blessèd peace to cheer us;
    And keep us in His grace, and guide us when perplexed;
    And free us from all ills, in this world and the next!

    All praise and thanks to God the Father now be given;
    The Son and Him Who reigns with Them in highest Heaven;
    The one eternal God, whom earth and Heaven adore;
    For thus it was, is now, and shall be evermore.

    God bless you, Apostle.

    1. Dear Benji,

      Thank you for the beautiful song you have dedicated to God on my behalf. Indeed, it is one of my favorites.

      When the German Pastor Martin Rankart composed it in the early C.17th, his country was going through war. He fled to a city called Eilenburg but in 1637, the city was struck by an epidemic in which all the pastors in the city died, leaving him as sole survivor. He performed about 50 funerals every day. By the end of the year he had performed about 4,000 funerals, including that of his wife.

      In the midst of all these, Rankart could compose a song to praise God. In the second stanza, he prays for God to be "near us," to grant us "joyful hearts and blessed peace to cheer us;" that God, in the light of the inexplicable situations, would keep us in His grace and provide us with divine direction in all of life's perplexities.

      Yes, we shall ever praise Him in all of life's situations and circumstances. Then, when the clouds dissipate, we will understand it all. Our testimony will be great.

  9. Glory be to the Most High God, indeed He is God of miracles and wonders. We thank Him for your life Daddy. We pray for your speedy recovery in His mighty name. May He continue to bless you and watch over your life. We love you and Mommy.

    1. Amen and Amen. John, thanks for your prayers and encouragement. God bless you.

  10. Glory be to the most high God for the great things He has done in the life of a GREAT MAN OF LIKE APOSTLE M.K. NTUMY . Not forgetting the God given Mother MAMA MARTHA YOU ARE THE ANGLE GOD SENT FOR MY FATHER MAY HE BLESS YOU MORE

    1. God has indeed made my dear wife a real blessing to me and a model to others. I have told her that if she was not my wife I would write a book using her as a case-study on marital tenacity about "For Better, For worse." My testimony about her in a book form could be criticized as being subjective.

      Her real praise and reward are with the LORD.

    2. Most Senior Apostle and big brother, I will like to write that book, or better still you can write that book through me if we are able to agree on that. Please check my blogs and if you are convinced that can be done we can set the ball rolling.

    3. Dear Edmund,

      I usually start off by trusting people. Though we may not have met in person, I trust that you can. Let's set the ball rolling. If you can get me your private email address, we can get into serious talk.


  11. Apostle, for many years you "Jesused" us, now it's our turn to Jesus you!!! Sometimes it hard to understand that the affliction and ambivalence we go through meant for the Glory of God.. Thus the reason why in our uttermost weakness He shows a perfect and great strength. God bless you Tall Man!!! and trust all your expectation during this recovery state will be established....

    1. Dear Nat,

      I like your terms. Yes, life in the Body of Christ is one of reciprocity, and the "Jesusing" of parents to children and vice-versa is the norm.

      God richly bless you.

  12. je suis très ému pour votre vie papa. que Dieu continue de vous bénir. Que Dieu bénisse surtout maman pour tout le soutient qu'elle vous apporte. prompt rétablissement à vous très chère père.

    1. Merci, tres cher Pasteur. Je rend toute la gloire a Dieu pour tout ce qu'il a fait de ma vie et encore de ce qu'il fera de moi. Nous savons qu'il fera des grandes choses dans ma vie pour la gloire de son saint nom.

  13. As I read through I asked myself why? But I know the window of hope will really lead us to the door of healing and we shall sing all over the world and dancing to the glory of God. He knows why so we keep on praying for you Apostle. To the Doctors I say thank you so much for doing this free of charge for our father. All we ask his God to continually bless you more. Amen

    1. Kojo, that is so nice of you for also pausing to thank the doctors for their professional care and the hospital authorities for their sponsorship.

      God bless you.

  14. i am most grateful to God for your life,Apostle.

    1. Dear Seny,
      Thank God for how He mysteriously sustains our lives. BLESSINGS

  15. singing:Anuanyam nka )sorosoro hene aseda nka nyakop)n. Aho)den £ne tumi, nhyira nka ne din daa halleluya, halleluya, halleluya wosa ayeyi, Aho)den £ne tumi, nhyira nka ne din daa. Oh thank u Jesus, infact our God is a show MAN .Daddy this mystery is coming to an end for me I always believe it will come to an end .hahaha Papa our God is a show MAN. may God bless our only mum

    1. Dear Abigail,

      Thank you very much. Your prophetic insight will soon materialize; the season of infirmity will soon come to an end. Yes, the "Show- Man" will cause His glory and splendor to be seen by all.

  16. God bless you Apostle. I'm inspired. I have always admired you from afar knowing some of your close associates through my work as a journalist, a past member of PENSA Kumasi High School and a very close friend of the COP. May God grant you healing. Your wife is an inspiration and May God continue to strengthen her and the children. I plan doing a story on your life soon and when the time comes I hope you will be available, alive, strong and kicking. I am inspired by your story and you live to tell this testimony to generations. I will say "I am a living witness".


    1. Yes, I will be eager to have a talk with you on the book writing. As you may remember, I have already written an autobiography (2005). People wondered how somebody in his late forties would write an auto. But the contents were so many and exciting that everybody thought it was worth writing. Two years later, it won second place in the biography division of the Ghana National Christian Books Award. Its French version won first place in the French language division.

      I told friends that a Volume 2 would follow later.

      You could send me your private email address so that we can begin discussions. BLESSINGS.

  17. Am very grateful to God for His mercies and grace which have no end. The miracle of total healing has just began Great Apostle, and we will certainly dance with you! Oh Glory be to God! You will RISE Again!

    My love to the vessels who made themselves the conduit for this great feat and to your Ever-Loving and Faithful wife Martha - Mama God embarrassingly bless you!

    1. Indeed, the medical and paramedical staff deserve commendation. I am sure they would read your comments themselves.

      I would pass on your comments to my dear wife Martha.

  18. Dear Apostle,

    We are glad to read about this praise report. What makes the surgery so special is that the connection was through our dear friend and brother in the Lord, Elder Dr. John Oduro-Boateng of Luke Society, who is also not resident in the United States. Interestingly, some residents and even citizens here, by the type of health insurance they carry may not be as fortunate to have this type of surgery. Yes, He is the Lord...... (Genesis 18:14 & Jeremiah 32:27).

    We look forward to a speedy recovery and believe that if a finger could produce a book or two, then the restoration of your former self, among other accomplishments, shall lead to a collection and a library (Deuteronomy 11:14). And indeed, your new position as Director of Pentecost Literary Works certainly is a divine affirmation of what is ahead for you and COP in general. We are glad to be witnesses of this unique "Journey from Accra (Ghana) through France and Germany to the United States". May our God richly bless you and keep you strong every day!

    1. My dear Elder and friend,

      Your perspectives on the sponsorship and access to this special type of surgery make this testimony even more amazing.

      Surely, the end of this journey would be glorious and its impact shall be global.
      Thank you very much.

  19. My Apostle, our apostle. Successful surgery, I thank God for the continous gift of life even after a delicate surgery. God bless you Apostle for the word of hope even in these your times because it gives people like me the solid trust and hope in Jesus our Lord. Apostle God be with you

    1. Dear Mark,

      Thank you very much for your prayers. The reason why God gives grace for some people to go through all kinds of terrible situations is to build and strengthen the faith and resolve of others.

      May the LORD continue to strengthen and bless you in all things and at all times.

  20. Dear Apostle,
    I always remember you in my prayers,knowing our Lord is ever faithful to heal you. I will continue to bring your case before Him and trust Him with you for the full fulfillment of His vision for you.

    God bless you and Aunty Martha and the Children.

    Saviour Fianu, Accra.

    1. What a lovely assurance from someone with a lovely name!

      Saviour, thank you very much. BLESSINGS

  21. Great to hear what the Lord has done. May He bless you with speedy & total healing.

    1. My dear Missionary Colleague,

      Thank you for your fervent prayer support and your wishes for my recovery. In turn, may HE bless you and yours.

  22. Daddy am soo much encouraged by your comments and its my prayers that the Lord God whom you zealously served will give you a fresh touch so that you will get well and be strengthened again to be whole and completely restored.

    1. Dear Foster,

      That is our prayer and that of countless others. Surely, the expectation of the righteous shall not be cut off.

  23. Apostle Ntumy, such an inspiration you are! I remember in 2010 when I arrived in Germany to study for 3 months in Munich. I searched on the internet for the nearest COP and found a contact number. To my surprise the person that picked the phone and gave me direction to the nearest COP branch in Munich was my former Chairman Apostle Ntumy!! He gave me direction to the church and gave me the contact details of an Elder to call in case I cant find my way. After some 30 minutes he called me back to be sure if I found the place. It was after the church service that the Elder asked about how I got his contact, when I told him Aps Ntumy gave it to me he remarked "Oh this man is so committed and yet he is not feeling well (that was when I first learnt of Aps Ntumy's condition) I still think about it and feel so priviledged to have been cared by the celebrated Apostle although he was not feeling too well.

    Thank you so much for that day and what you are doing in God's kingdom!!

    1. Oh Uncle Boat,

      That is what servants are meant for. It is always my pleasure to serve the precious citizens of the Kingdom. I wish you God's manifold blessings in all that you undertake in life.

  24. We can only sing

    We give all the glory to Jesus
    And tell of His love His wonderful love
    We give all the glory to Jesus
    And tell of His wonderful love

    To him alone be all the glory for ever

  25. To GOD be the Glory great things HE has done, and greater things He will do. When we walk in the LORD in the light of HIS word what a glory He shown us in the way, while we do His goodwill He abides with us all and with those who will trust and obey. Pastor I do remember the days you preach on Ghana TV. One thing I do recollect from your preaching is that you said "We must always trust GOD no matter the situation"
    . I also encourage you that "Trust in the GOD OF ABRAHAM,ISAAC AND JACOB and the one who made man from the dust of the ground will make it better than before. God bless you and the family. To your wife, I say Ayekooooooooh.

    1. Dear Emmanuel,

      Thanks for your words of encouragement and counsel. God bless you.

  26. Daddy, GOD has taken you through a lot and this is going to be another MIRACLE ever happens.
    Our REDEEMER lives, therefore, we The COP will keep sing a song of praise to GOD because HE alone is a miracle working GOD. The GOD who appeared to Silas and Paul trough their worship, will appear to you as we are worshiping HIM in Spirit and Truth.


    Miracly Recovery,
    COP McCharthy Down District. Accra.

    1. TRUE, Pious. We are at the verge of seeing another MIRACLE. It will happen for all believers everywhere to join in that glorious celebration.

  27. Daddy, We thank God for your life and we will continually mention you in our prayers. You are blessed Apostle.

    1. We are grateful for your continuous prayer support. God bless you, Abraham

  28. hello Papa. c'est Irene de Pensa legon. Merci a Dieu qui nous a beni dans cette maniere, pour votre vie. Je suis tres contente de vous a trouver ici. J'avais essayer de vous appeler de l'etats unis. Par la grace de Dieu je suis maintenant la bas a cause de votre priere et souhaite. Que Dieu vous benin abondemment et vous gueri vite. Je vous aime vraiment comme mon vrai pere et mama martha aussi. salutations a la famille et que Dieu vous donne une rapide retablissement au nom de Jesus. Amen.

    1. Chere Irene,

      Gloire soit rendue a' Dieu pour les grandes choses qu'il a fait dans ma vie. Il est le Dieu qui ecoute les cris de ses enfants.

      Je suis ravis de joie d'entendre que tu es maintenant au Etats Unis. Que le grand Dieu te benisse en toutes choses.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. Apostle may the God of our fathers breathe fresh breath into your whole body system.May the God of the living lift you up to His own Glory .We are praying with you.We love you.
    Radio Pastor .

    1. Dan,

      To your powerful apostolic prayer, I say AMEN and AMEN. Surely our expectation will not be cut off. Thanks for your prayers. Our celebration is around the corner; we shall soon praise Him together.

  31. Surely the victory is in sight .Thank you for the reply.Sweet regards to our dear Mummy Martha.God bless Apostle M K Ntumy.Radio Ps.

    1. AMEN AND AMEN. May God continue to anoint you for the great work He has entrusted into your hands.

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. Daddy I thank God for the greater things He's doing in your life and I believe He will surely complete the good work He has started. His faithfulness is ever sure and He is always with you. Stay blessed Dad

  34. Auntie Ruth,
    Thank you very much for your words of encouragement. We trust in the faithfulness of God, hence our confidence for the good things to come. BLESSINGS.

  35. we are praying for strength from the lord and the entire church are with you in spirit and in prayer

    1. Dear Emmanuel,
      Thank you very much for your prayer support.BLESSINGS

  36. Dad i just thank GOD for your life ,mama,joana and mike n i pray that the good Lord will continue be with you, And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate you from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate you from God’s love. No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate you from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord AMEN.AND MUM I PRAY THAT GOD GIVES U STRENGTH LIKE ESTHER TO TAKE GOOD CARE OF DAD N THE FAMILY .N ALSO THIS IS JUST TO THIRST HW STRONG UR FAITH IS IN GOD I KNOW THE GOD WE SERVE WILL NEVER LET U DOWN AMEN

    1. You got it right, dear Esther. For us, to live is only a privilege and to die is gain. My love for God does not depend on what He does for ME but on WHO HE IS to me. My love for Him has not reduced because He has not yet healed me; NO. We are determined that by His grace, nothing will separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus.

      Thanks for the encouragement. GOD BLESS YOU.

  37. I bring you greetings of joy, peace and love in the matchless name of our Lord Christ.
    Really, these have been trailing times. Actually, some of the challenges or trails raised in these episodes have confirmed that, “the Christian race is not won on the silver platter” , yet we are sure of one thing;
    That, his grace is sufficient for us and his strength is made perfect in our weaknesses – when we are weak, then he is strong – 2Corinth 12: 9,10.
    We have not lost sight of the word that also says “Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him from all of them”. We all agree that, in any critical football match, the opponent targets the key players or the strikers to injure or incapacitate them, so that, they cannot launch any arsenals on them. At times, some referees are even bought to show such key or critical players red cards to eliminate them from the game…
    We are not ignorant of all these devices no matter how severely or ardently he has tried, like Job went through, his soul was still intact in his creator’s hand. Whilst there is life, we trust that, the good Lord will win a name for himself.
    We are grateful to God for all the personalities or instruments that have been availed for the manifestation of the glory of God, not to over emphasize the assistance of Elder Dr. Oduro-Boateng and the rest. He’s been just an old Barnabas – “son of Encouragement”.
    In order to give you time to rest your eyes, this song from Liberia pops into my heart and pardon me to sing it;
    “Halleluyah anyhow… Halleluyah…
    Halleluyah anyhow, I ‘never..
    I will never, never let my troubles let me down… No!, No!,”
    Whatever problems life may bring, I raise my heard and I’m singing
    Halleluyah, anyhow……
    Before I sign off – We can see, you have revitalized the power in what the 3Hebrew boys said, ”We know, when you throw us into this fire, our God will save us..and even if he does not, we will not bow down”
    We know, he will save, anyway!
    Kingdom felicitations to Mama Martha and the rest of the family.

    Elder Frank Agyemang

  38. I thank God for the great things He is doing in your life. It's my fervent prayer that He who has began a good work in you will bring it to successful end for He is faithful.
    May the Almighty God continue to strenghten you always.

    Stephen Kwame Amofa Donkor

  39. OOO Daddy, I wish I had discovered this blog earlier. You are soo strong. As for Mommy Martha I don't know what to say.
    I am starting a book about wives whose husbands are in such difficulties. I even spoke to my Area Head ,Apostle Ahalivor for permission to speak to Mommy.

    Apsotle, its not easy. My husband is in a similar situation but not as serious as yours. His is on and off. When it starts he cannot walk, and even lying down becomes a problem. Always in soo much pain. It hurts to watch him battling it out.It has not been easy. We have been married for just 4 years. But by God's grace he is fine now.

    I have gone through a lot but always trusting God, it was in the midst of this that Mommy Martha came to mind. She is still in the situation and has been for some time. I wonder how she does it.
    We pray for strength and all , but when it comes to just you and your husband after all the visitors and well wishers are gone , Apos, it takes God.

    We are still praying for you and we know that God's will for your life will be done. And we beseech God for you Rise up and Walk!
    We love you daddy.

  40. Hello Apostle Ntumy

    We thank the lord Jesus for your steady recovery. Although Im not a member of the pentecost church, I use to listen to you alot during your tenure as the the chairman of the pentecost church on GTV. I remember vividly your testimony on on God healed your speech.
    Apostle can I please have your email so
    I can send you a private mail.Mine is I wish you victory.
