
Saturday, 10 August 2013


The Chm, Ap. Dr O. Onyinah
At the 40th Session of the General Council Meeting of The Church of Pentecost held  in May 2013 at the ultramodern Pentecost Convention Center in Gomoa Fetteh near Accra, it pleased the LORD and the leadership of the church to appoint me DIRECTOR OF PENTECOST LITERARY WORKS (PLW).

This novel Directorate in COP is responsible for writing and publishing books and other literature for the church.

The institution of PLW by the church is a timely one. For example, the previous generation of COP Ministers, Officers and members often lament how the anointed messages, sermons and illuminating teachings of our founding fathers were not recorded electronically or in print.

A group photo of Ministers of COP  in 1954. Our generation has virtually none of their messages available.  
Electronically? Well that could be excused because the Gold Coast (Ghana) of the 1940s and subsequent years was not like our present technological one. Writing books which could have benefitted our generation? Well, it goes without saying that their generation was not as privileged academically as ours. We have no excuse.

Admin block, Pentecost Univ. Coll.

The creation of  PLW will bless our next generation with the excellent teachings, conference, retreat and seminar materials as well as other spiritual alimentation by which the church has been nourished to this present state. We have no excuse if we do not write; our generation is the most elite ever in COP -- among both the laity and clergy.

I am most grateful to God and to the Executive Council of COP for appointing me the first Director of PLW.   This appointment fulfills two significant things. First, it is a fulfillment of prophecy. During our Welcome Service in Hamburg in October 2008, there was a prophetic message that the assignment the LORD was committing into my hands was not going to be limited to Germany but will overflow to the rest of Europe and beyond. Nobody, not even myself, could fathom what the LORD implied. When this appointment was announced, it suddenly dawned on me: "Yes, this is what the LORD said to us and the congregation through that prophecy. Our books are going to impact the church and others across the world." (There could be more to this, I believe.) Secondly, the appointment is in consonance with my personal philosophy since I got into this new situation, "Where my feet cannot take me, my prayers and my writings should."

Writing with just two fingers from my living room in Hamburg. The Gospel must be preached; our generation must be edified; the next generation must be told.
It is amazing to know that even before this appointment, I had been permitted / requested to reproduce / produce three books for the church. We compiled the notes delivered on the annual themes of the church during the Apostles/Prophets/Heads November Prayer Meeting. The books, entitled, "TELL THE NEXT GENERATION" are now in three volumes. Volume 1 covers the themes from 1999-2003, Volume 2 from 2004-2008 and Volume 3 from 2009-2013.

I love books. I love writing books. I love producing books. But writing is a talent given by God. This could be used to glorify God or Satan. It could be used to bless and build up humanity or surreptitiously destroy it. It is one of the surest means of bequeathing the wisdom, knowledge, and culture of one generation to the other. It is a sacred responsibility.

I am grateful to the LORD for calling me to discharge this        assignment. I need His grace. I need your prayers. I know you will.


  1. may God bless you as you take up your new responsibilities my brother

    1. Dear John,
      Thank you very much. I count on your prayers.

  2. i want to thank for fulfilling his word concernsing your life. you are a great man of God.

    The word of God says, whatever he have said about you shall be accomplished and i thank God for your life.

    1. Dear Dan,
      God is the Faithful and True One. We look forward to His grace in this new assignment.

  3. This appointment couldn't have been given to a better person. You are more than able with the Lord Almighty guiding you.
    We are with you as always.

  4. Oh Mom. Thanks for your encouragement and fervent prayer support. You have stood by me in prayer through my various appointments and positions in the ministry. I know you will continue to do same for me in this also.

  5. Congrats Apostle. This is unlimited ministry. Your life continues to be an inspiration to us. God continually bless you.

    1. "Agya" Abraham,

      You have caught the vision; writing is indeed an "unlimited ministry." I count on your continuous prayers.

  6. congratution Aps, may God richly bless u n grant u e grace as u take this appointment , Papa am proud of u

    1. Dear Abigail,

      To your powerful blessings, I say, AMEN AND AMEN. In turn, may God prosper you in all things and at all times.

  7. Que vous bénisse papa pour cette nouvelle fonction que vous occupez dans cette grande église. S'il vous plait papa, pouvez-vous nous aider nous qui sommes dans les pays francophones à bénéficier de vos écrits? Cela nous fera très plaisir papa. Que Dieu vous bénisse papa. Je vous rappelle que je suis en Côte D'Ivoire où vous avez servi valabrement.

    1. Cher Pasteur,
      Merci pour vos mots d'encouragement. Je conte sur vos prieres. En ce qui concern nos livres, nous allons tout faire de traduire les en francaise, malgre' les couts. Oui, je pense que vous allez oublie' les fautes grammatique; mon francaise est parti en conge'

  8. God, through one of your sermons titled 'the Cross of Christ', has changed my life. Daddy, I love you very much and may God bless you!
    -Samuel Owusu Junior, Kumasi.

    1. Sammy,

      Praise be to God. This is the Preacher's joy; to know that the Seed God gave him to sow is bearing fruit in the lives of people. Keep it up. BLESSINGS

  9. merci papa pour tous vos efforts. Que Dieu vous bénisse papa.

  10. I can't wait to have this books to read and the impact thereof. Thank you Daddy for this insight.

  11. apostle we can wait to read this book...I have been in missions to Senegal and there church mission to take the world to all nations is true, but there are many who have not heard about the I prepare to be leaving to Ghana, I pray that that that the people of Senegal may know Christ and the power of his resurrection

  12. Apo. I am grateful to God i know and your teachings inspire me to do greater things for God. God supernaturally invade your circumstance. God Bless you Apostle. i believe God will use me mightily as He uses you; since i learn from you.

  13. You are blessed. I have the same passion for putting into writing what was most of the works by our founding fathers. This is great. God is indeed faithful. I am currently reading your book on "No easy Road" and I cannot put it down. You are indeed a man of faith. God bless you.

  14. Indeed yes a man of God! God bless u
